Mainland games 
Saturday, November 2, 2019, 18:32 - Dumps, 2019
It's been a while we haven't had a post that featured more than one ROM of a single game. Let's fix this, shall we?

哥伦布传 - 黄金中文版 (Columbus Zhuan, original release)
哥伦布传 - 黄金中文版 (Columbus Zhuan, re-release)
哥伦布 冒险记 - 黄金中文版 (Columbus Màoxiǎnjì)

This Japanese RPG was originally published in 1992 by Tomy. Waixing released their Chinese translation in 2005, re-released it in 2006 or 2007, followed by another re-release from Waixing offshoot Bensheng. Both Waixing releases have been dumped before; the original release uses a mapper (#195, FS303) that only NintendulatorNRS fully emulates and so is uncommon, while the re-release ROM is usually found with the wrong mapper number in the header. We present both Waixing versions for completeness' sake together with our fresh dump of the Bensheng release.

圣斗士 (Shèng Dòushì)

This Bensheng re-release of Waixing's Chinese translation of Square's 1988 game Hanjuku Hero for some reason changes the title screen to show a character from the Saint Seiya anime series.

风尘异侠录 (Fēngchén Yìxiálù)

An RPG developed by Nice Code Software, and published by Henge Dianzi. A re-release of this game has been dumped and been available before (塞外奇侠传, Saiwai Qixia Zhuan); our fresh dump is believed to be an earlier release.

8-in-1 (kk3311)

8-in-1 (kk3314)

The Waixing kk331x multicarts each pack one larger Waixing game together with seven small games from Nice Code Software. What makes them somewhat interesting is that being released outside of China, Waixing bothered to actually translate some of their games into English for them. Here are ROM files of two of these multicarts, along with extracted versions of Dragon Knife and Journey to the West. The particular version of Dragon Knife with Chinese title but an English subtitle is not found elsewhere; neither is the English translation of the surprisingly playable True and False Monkey King (真假猴王, Zhen Jia Houwang), which despite the misleading English title Journey to the West is actually the third game in Waixing's Journey to the West series.

12-in-1 (SPC002)

A not so good multicart by Realtec. The engine is quite terrible, you can only move the cursor by one position on every press. And you cannot spam the d-pad to move it fast otherwise it gets stuck! Aladdin is Hummer's, Captain Tsubasa II is the Arabic translation. There's also two odd Street Fighter II Pro hacks loosely inspired on Ka Sheng's fighters of the same names?

➡Download the ROMs⬅

The latest version of NintendulatorNRS and the associated source can be downloaded on its dedicated page on the left pane.

Credits to NewRisingSun.


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