Tasty Multicarts 
Saturday, November 9, 2019, 13:05 - Dumps, 2019
Here's your weekly delivery of dumps, savor it, please.

GameStar Fun Educator 32-in-1

Yet another GameStar compilation of their educational stuff. They had some really high throughput of those in the early 2000s.

Super Cool Boy 4-in-1 (CB-4011)

At first we only thought ABAB was involved in the CB-4030+ cartridges but it seems in fact they're behind the a good chunk of the 40xx line, if not all of it. Here's one of these cartridge that doesn't have any of the Hummer Technology game but credits ABAB.

Super Cool Boy 4-in-1 (CB-4034)

This ABAB Soft cartridge had been dumped for years (it was the first one publicly available, in fact) but it was hacked to run on some other mapper, boo! Here's the original ROM. Stomp a crow and become a Panda Adventure master because yes, it's possible.

7-in-1 1993 Chess Series (JY-015)

An early J.Y. cart, at the time they were frequently doing themed multicart. JY-013 was a Mario 4-in-1, JY-014 is about Soccer. It was just logical that JY-015 would be about Chess (to balance out the Soccer, you know…). It features TXC's Chinese Chess with copyrights untouched. It's got a nice menu, by the way.

1995 Super HiK 8-in-1 (JY-050)

We previously released the 1997 instance. The earlier prints uses a completely different menu and PCB so here it is. Next.

1996 Soccer 6-in-1 (JY-082)

Yet another Ball selection from J.Y. about Soccer specifically. This one is kind of an alternate to JY-014 (Soccer 6-in-1, also) as the game proposed are somewhat different, it features, for example, Fifa 96 the J-League hack.

1996 Photo-gun 9-in-1 (JY-084)

Simple Zapper selection from J.Y. with the standard set of Zapper games. SC-130 is an updated version of JY-084 with some more advanced games.

Super 8-in-1 Gold Card Series (JY-085)

A collection of not so special games.

Super 8-in-1 Gold Card Series (JY-086)

Just so slightly better than before, with some games not so often sighted on multicarts like Kid Kool and Rockman 1.

1997 Super Game 8-in-1 (JY-111)

A small selection of licensed games that manages to offer more than just the typical NROM games.

1997 球類大進擊 8-in-1 (JY-112)

J.Y.'s attempt at a Kunio 8-in-1, may be the first to offer more than four. JY-207 is their second attempt. We'll get to that one at some later point maybe.

Super HiK 8-in-1 (SC-131)

The last J.Y. multicart of the original series, released approximately at the beginning of 2000, such an adventure for them. This cartridge notably retains the key elements of standard J.Y. menu and brags about its capacity. It doesn't use their proprietary ASIC, abandoned after SC-130 that was released in 1999 or so.

1996 Super HiK Gold Card 3-in-1 - 新系列强卡組合卡 (NT-707)
餓狼傳說超強 3-in-1 (EW-3004)

Three-in-one with Garō Densetsu Special, Super Mario Bros. 3 and a Cony Fighter. This exact same cartridge was also released by Ka Sheng as 1996 Super HiK Gold Card 3-in-1 (NT-707). Which came first? Nobody knows.

Gamguer 6-in-1 (PK-208)

A Korean multicart from the 2000s! It's mostly like the JY-2xx cartridges featuring Sonic, the Somari hack and REX' King of Fighters.

No. 44 Super 4-in-1

I hope the rest of the cartridges in this series have a better selection.

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Credits to Consolethinks and NewRisingSun.


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