Waddy update: dumped 
Saturday, February 1, 2020, 08:23 - Dumps, 2020
Snow is lacking, at least here, unfortunately. As you can't go skiing nor build the yearly snowman, here's some ROMs to pass some time.


A strange version of Golden Game 100-in-1 with some really odd graphical hacks of NROM games.


If you follow taizou on his twitter or pay attention to what's happening at the BGW headquarters, you may have heard of an obscure Inventor game called Waddy Boy that has had been planned to show up on a bunch of Plug and Play and multicart but was always replaced with something else (maybe for a good reason?). It turns out that it does exist and it did show up on some obscure and not so recent 400-in-1 compilation. The last update you may have seen was this one, "waddy update: located". As you'd guessed from the title of the blogpost, we've got a final update regarding it.
The 400-in-1 is Waixing's largest multicart to date (64 MiB), with a few other previously-undumped hacks besides Waddy Boy. Waddy Boy was made based on Spartan X's mapper 4 hack, which splits the screen at the wrong scanline, so we present a kind-of 'back-hack' back to Spartan X's original mapper 65.

The following extracts are included in the archive.

千禧年熱血大進擊 8 in 1 (SC-112)

This is just JY-112 with a more boring menu and operating on a more common mapper. Next.

1998 全新超強 黃金組合卡 7 in 1 (WF-001)

One not too bad multicart seemingly from J.Y. You can pick either DBZ2 or DBZ3, depending if you want to play the proper version or have a weird trip with some other NES games' backgrounds.

HEROS 新熱血總動員 8 in 1 (JY-207)

Having already a ton of Kunio 4-in-1 compilation and one 8-in-1, you would obviously guess that, if J.Y. was starting a new series, it was a requirement to have a Kunio compilation in it, right?

Hot-Blood 8-in-1 Funny Time (PA-01)

Some Kunio compilation from the 2000s. They were everywhere and they likely overflooded the market with those games.

1995 SUPER HIK 4 in 1 新系列獅子王组合卡 (JY-047)
We released the 1997 version some months back, but the 1995 version has the better other Donkey Kong game.

Download the ROMs

The latest version of NintendulatorNRS and the associated source can be downloaded on its dedicated page in the blog sidebar.

Special thanks to NewRisingSun, taizou and Yahweasel.


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