Framed games 
Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 13:44 - Dumps, 2020
What do we have here?? FDS conversions? Multicarts?! Educational multicarts!?! The later are always the most exciting of the set. And we mean it.

Lucky Rabbit (ロジャー・ラビット)

Roger Rabbit for the NES? Yes… and before it was framed!

Audience booing

Here's an obscure Disk System to cartridge conversion. This conversion look fairly professional on the outside. The japanese title screen and copyrights were completly removed without leaving any blank space. You still get to see the "Now Loading" message after pressing start.
As to the company responsible for this port… we just don't know. The cover is bland and so is the PCB.

Regarding the name of the ROM, this photo should be self-explanatory. Cartridge cover

エキサイティングサッカー コナミカップ (Exciting Soccer Konami Cup)

If you read this blog, the name Super Soccer Champion may ring you a bell. This was a port of Exciting Soccer Konami Cup released around 1992 that featured a bunch of cosmetic changes to make the title more attractive to international markets. It definitely was not particularly popular however as the cartridge is not particularly common except in South America…?
Now, did you know it had a predecessor? Kaiser had released their own cartridge conversion of this one game around 1989. A more faithful port retaining the original title screen. In comparison to the FDS game, it just lacks the Konami copyright.

小百科 精选教育启思卡 2合1 智力拼图+嘟嘟哇哇大冒险

This is the pinch of educational goodness this release needed. It is a compilation of two mini-games made by the mysterious developer named "SUMAN GAME" (or not, it is 北京先锋卡通 aka Xianfeng Cartoon). It was released by Shenzhen Lingjie Electronics in 1994 at the modest price of 76 RMB. According to tenyuhuang, this was quite more expensive than the common cartridges on the market back then so it probably sold poorly. The cartridge is advertised for their series of Famiclone named 小百科 and has the ID 104. We honestly really wonder if it is good or bad news that there may be more cartridges from this series. Provided are photos of the cartridge to satisfy your curiosity: Click here for detailed photos of the front and the back of the cartridge

Next up are a few game compilations released throughout the 90s and 2000s from numerous companies such as Ka Sheng, Waixing...
All of the following ROMs were provided by Consolethinks.

'95 卡聖 2-in-1 (NT-811) COVER

4-in-1 1999

4-in-1 (0203)

New Super Game 4-in-1 (FK-7079)

1998 Series No. 10

80-in-1 (KD-6096)

9-in-1 Super Game (KY-9006)

3-in-1 (VT-4063)

Precious 500-in-1

4-in-1 (YH-4103)

9999999合1 - 可能是世界上最強組合

'95 世界大賽冠軍卡

The latest version of NintendulatorNRS (binary and source) can be downloaded from its dedicated page in the blog sidebar.

Download the ROMs

Special thanks to NewRisingSun for the emulation, Consolethinks for most of the dumps in this publication, famiac for the FDS conversions and tenyuhuang for the Lingjie cartridge.

As a side note, this website has moved to a new domain as the masterdisk site was closed. All links are even redirected nicely so no one gets to face a 404 page!


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