Never three without four 
Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 14:01 - Dumps, 2020
Mainland China may have been the country that had the largest throughput in educational titles. Let's be honest, not so many people are interested in them and while original games developed there seem to be quite hard to come by, there's quite a fair supply of unheard of, old educational cartridges showing up on auctions sites. But hey, don't think this is all boring and not worth being checked out!

小学生数学 CAI

Moving the date of the earliest known Waixing cartridge a bit further back in time, this collection of four math learning games is far less professionally made than the English 3-in-1 CAI cartridge released here some time ago. Use the Subor keyboard to enter numbers when asked to.
What's the nice touch that makes this educational cartridge unique? Possibly the fact you're greated by a flying saucer. That's some Extraterrestrial Technology after all!

Cartridge cover
Box cover

小状元数学 (B1.0版)

A completely obscure Math-teaching cartridge made by 宏图发展公司 (Hongtu Development Company) and manufactured by 先达电子公司 (Xianda Electronics). It was released sometime in 1995. The included games are really simple and while some have interesting title screens, the games themselves are neither particularly polished nor enjoyable.
The cartridge cover suggests that there may be more cartridges. It notably reads B版 (B Version). May we suspect that an A版 may exist with a different set of games? And before we forget this last fact, it appears to use a font last seen in Supergun 3-in-1, developed by Tai Jing Da Dong and released by TXC around 1993.

Cartridge scans:
Cartridge front cover Cartridge back sticker

铁甲突击 (KT-1025)

星河战队 (KT-1026)

Two Jncota title screen hacks of the same game, namely, Waixing's Chinese translation of Bandai's third entry into the SD Gundam Gachapon series, the original Japanese title being "SD Gundam Gachapon Senshi 3: Eiyuu Senki".

KT1025-1026 (1)
KT1025-1026 (2)
KT1025-1026 (3)
KT1025-1026 (4)
KT1025-1026 (5)

4-in-1 HQ 高品質合卡꞉ 金牌可選關 - 影像淸晰穩定

This four-in-one multicart has both Super Mario Bros. and the Japanese disk-only Super Mario Bros. 2 on the same cart, but with the graphics swapped!
The Chinese tagline ("off-image is clear and stable") seems to imply that the status bar at the top of the screen not scrolling along with the rest of the image, which it did in Whirlwind Manu's LE10 conversion of SMB2j.

Super 1998 6-in-1 (VT-856)

It's your run-of-the-mill late 1990's non-repeating multicart, with one 512 KiB game (China Rabbit Baby), one 256 KiB game (Eliminator Boat Duel), and four CNROM-sized games (Gradius, Hokuto no Ken, Dr. Mario, Battletank).

少林武者 (Chinese Kungfu)

We're sorry happy to bring this game again into the spotlight. A redump of a redump! It turns out that our previous copy had a single bit flipped from its intended state, either due to age or a manufacturing error. We redumped it to ensure that it was not a processing mistake and it definitely wasn't. Now, this matter should be settled, finally.

三国志 II꞉ 覇王の大陸 (Subor 0102)

Namco's second Three Kingdoms game seems to be insanely popular in China, going by the sheer number of both fan and official translations in existence. This bootleg version from Subor was most likely the most common version of the game until Chinese translations came along. Waixing's translation in turn is based on this bootleg version.

Batman꞉ The Video Game (Fine Studio)

Bootleg copy on a custom mapper with a level select cheat. Take sarcastic note of the "easy-to-follow" instructions on the disk label! The game's circuit board for some reason has the words "HAPPY NEW YEARS 1990" etched on it. Well, thank you nearly 30 or so years later.

Cheats sheet (back cover)

The latest version of NintendulatorNRS (binary and source) can be downloaded from its dedicated page in the blog sidebar.


Special thanks to NewRisingSun for the emulation, Consolethinks for the VT-856 and famiac for Batman and the 4-in-1.


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