Super Mega Christmas 
Tuesday, December 15, 2020, 18:25 - Dumps, 2020
Three years ago, LIBG offered to all of its reader an Idea-Tek'mas. It's only natural that a Super Mega Christmas would happen someday, and here it is! Now we can only hope for a TX'mas in the future?

Venice Beach Volley (Super Mega)

This sports game, originally commissioned by American Video Entertainment, was published in Taiwan by developer Idea-Tek themselves under their "Super Mega" brand. Nonetheless to say, this is definitely the hardest Super Mega and TXC Micro Genius title to find.
A mapper-hacked dump has been in GoodNES for a long time; we now provide the original unmodified ROM that uses Idea-Tek's custom mapper 172.
Cartridge cover

Olympic I.Q.

Kuk Je Academy was likely on a ride to release all of Sachen's educational catalog. But they were ultimately stopped at their... third release? Olympic I.Q. is their last known release. The Thin Chen version was advertised in the English, Pyramid manual, meaning it was not finished at the time of its release. Any subsequent game to Olympic I.Q., if any must have went completely unnoticed.
Cartridge cover

虎門禁煙 (Hǔmén Jìnyān)

In 1996, Fuzhou Waixing published an original RPG under the name 林則徐禁烟 (Línzéxú Jìnyān, "Linzexu Banned Smoking").
It was popular enough to be pirated by other Chinese companies, such as 振华 (Zhènhuá). This ROM file here is assumed to be Zhènhuá's pirated version of the Waixing RPG, which changes the title slightly.
Apparently, the name of the pirated version had become enough of an established name for Waixing to later re-release the game, under their Fuzhou Coolboy brand, with that name.

Pokémon 2000

This previously-undumped variant of the Pokémon-themed hack of Hudson's Felix the Cat has the player begin as Charmander, who turns into Pikachu on the occasion of a power-up.

Super 500-in-1

Super Mario 160-in-1 Funny Time

Y2K 76-in-1

Generic multicarts of various sizes, dumped for their colorful menus, and because we can.

Smart Kids

A rather large educational computer cartridge in Spanish. There is also a speech chip on the circuit board whose functionality is not emulated at the moment.

The latest version of NintendulatorNRS (binary and source) can be downloaded from its dedicated page in the blog sidebar.

Download the ROMs

Credits to SupahRetroooo for dumping Hǔmén Jìnyān, Pokémon 2000 and Smart Kids, to Consolethinks for dumping Super 500-in-1, superretrogamer2741 for dumping Super Mario 160-in-1 Funny Time and Y2K 76-in-1 and to GamingAlexandria for Olympic I.Q.


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