E3 - Endless Educational Entertainment 
Friday, December 31, 2021, 02:47 - Dumps, 2021
This year, no one was able to dress as Santa and deliver your yearly ROM gifts. But we did not want to dismiss the year 2021 without another dose of previously-undumped Chinese educational computer cartridges and multicarts. We know you definitely can't retain yourself from extensively playing those.

超級五筆漢字卡 8-in-1 (鸿达)

This early Hongda educational computer cartridge is unique in many ways.
First, it requires a keyboard whose protocol matches the original Family BASIC keyboard; most educational computer cartridges require Subor-type keyboards instead.
Does this mean that it predates the Subor keyboard famiclones? We don't know.
If so, that would make the rather run-of-the-mill selection of editor, typing mini-games and Family-BASIC-ripped programs the first of its kind.

小学语文数学智力游戏 趣味教学卡 - 小状元

Last year, we released the ROM image file of a 7-in-1 educational computer cartridge from Hongtu that was labelled "B version", speculating that there might be an A version with a different
set of games. We have not found the original "A version" yet, but this 16-in-1 here has all seven games from last year's "B version" plus what we deem to be the nine games from that "A version".

家庭电脑教学键盘 - Family Competer Keyboard

A bootleg version of the original Family BASIC, complete with what must be considered either an embarassing spelling error or a subtle joke (Family Competer).
This cartridge was commonly bundled with a New Star branded console bundled with the DB15-rewired Intellivison keyboard. Yes, you read that right: a company converted and sold leftover Intellivison keyboards to be compatible with the Famicom. This oddity in the already bizarre Famicom life in China appears to be one of the first attempt to sell an educational game with a keyboard in the country.

Sachen Superpack (versions A-C)

Around 1999-2000, Sachen released some famiclone consoles of their own that included their old games as built-in multicarts, namely the Super Mega Joy (version A) and Super Magic Joy (version C).
The ROM data of version C turned out to just be the ROM data of version A and version B tacked after each other, allowing us to provide version B despite not having (or knowing) the particular
console that had version B inside. Suspiciously, the multicart circuit board matches that of Tetris Family 19-in-1. In terms of games, these are all titles you have seen before, with the exception of
Pyramid, which has been changed into Mr. Stone, and which we have provided in extracted form. The copyright year also reads 1999, which hints the release date of these consoles.

帝释天 (Dì shì tiān)

无名传说 (Wúmíng chuánshuō)

Name-changed versions of an original Waixing game (魔神法师 - Demogorgon Monk) and of Waixing's translation of Hanjuku Hero.
The SMD133 writes in the games' initialization code to set up the ASIC for MMC3 compatibility mode strongly suggest that these were made by the notorious Hengge Dianzi.

Sonic REC-9388

This must be Dongda's first attempt at entering the Russian educational computer market, though they did release the more well-known PEC-586 in that country later.
This ROM file consists of the built-in ROM of that computer plus both of the small expansion cartridges, with "Logo" in the no. 2 slot, and the "PB" card in the no. 3 slot.
Once selecting the no. 3 slot, you must soft-reset to advance from the title screen to the actual sub-menu, then use the numeric keypad to move the selection before pressing "C" to select.
"Music and Drawing" is not functional at this point, as the ROM data for that part is encrypted and the encryption pattern not understood at this time. "Education with tape" seems to load
data from additional cassette tapes that we do not have.

超级学习卡 - Golden Key - 金钥匙

Another mysterious educational computer cartridge from another mysterious manufacturer named Shenzhen Guangda (光达). This one assumes yet another keyboard protocol that is somewhat similar to the Dongda PEC-586 keyboard, but with a different assignment of the keys that we have not quite figured out yet, so don't be disappointed that your key presses do not accomplish anything. We have no idea what kind of computer this was made for.

18-in-1 (DEX DX-011D)

This is the built-in ROM of the DEX DX-011D VT02 famiclone available in Thailand.
A rather unremarkable collection of Inventor hacks.

1993 Super HiK 6-in-1 - 街霸系列出撃! (B-010)
1500-in-1 (ET-187)
1995年超値系列 HiK 4-in-1 (EW-014)
1993 Super HIK 4-in-1 新卡 256K 組合系列 (F-034)
Super 4-in-1 (GameStar No. 41)
1996 Super HiK Gold Card 2-in-1 (GS-01)
500-in-1 (HH-xxx)
王牌系列 Super HiK 42-in-1 (K-42001)
12-in-1 (Liko)
Super Game 143-in-1 (HKMK-143)
117-in-1 (M3H12 PCB)
Super 3-in-1 (NT-933)
100000-in-1 (NTDEC)
Golden 8-in-1 (NTDEC)
Super 4-in-1 (ST-401)
4-in-1 (T-4010)
Super 4-in-1 (Techline A0010100)
9-in-1 (Techline A010207)
Super 4-in-1 (Techline)
2000 Super Aladdin (VT-104)
Super Game 3-in-1 (YH-3125)
Exciting Sport Turbo 4-in-1 (YH-4131)
Exciting Sport Turbo 4-in-1 (YH-4135)
Exciting Sport Turbo 4-in-1 (YH-4136)
Super 1998 3-in-1 (卡聖 VT-835)
1994 超值金卡 画面选关 8-in-1 (小霸王 0801)
1992 突破 劃面選關 190-in-1
1992 蓋世 190-in-1 劃面選關
1992 超値高K金卡 110-in-1
1992 超级天王卡新 150-in-1 棋王版
1993 New 860-in-1 Over-Valued Golden Version Games
1994 Super 9999-in-1 超級強卡 超越羣倫
92年超高K 黄金卡 35-in-1 刺激大驚險旅風侠
'93 世界冠軍卡超値享受
Game 500-in-1
Home Video Game 3500 Built-in Games
PAL Home Computer 3600
YH 78-in-1 Super Game

The rest of today's releases are the usual merry band of multicarts, most of which with boring text-only menus; we only show screenshots of those that offer at least something for the eye.
Game 500-in-1's #110 Bar Games is reported to be glitchy even on original hardware. 9000000-in-1 requires you to awkwardly select a game by entering its number.

Download the ROM archive here.

Credits to Dušan, ggdjr and krzysiobal for dumping some of the ROM files.


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