Multicarts sprinkled with a Sachen 
Monday, October 22, 2018, 15:58 - Dumps
Posted by MLX
We're up for some good ROMs today. There's nothing particularly new, they are just rare so it's good to cross them off of some of those unexisting list.

Starting up with the multicarts. As you've guessed, they're from J.Y. Quite original and unexpected coming from here, right? But hold your horses, there's one from Bit Corporation too!

31-in-1 (3150) (Bit Corp.)

This is, I believe, the multicart with the largest selection of games on which you had to move actual DIP switches to select your game. If you did the maths already (or just looked at the above photo…), you've noticed that there are indeed five switches sticking out on the front.
I'm not making a mosaic of all the games, especially considering that 31 is a prime number. A scan will have to do.

1995 Super HiK 4-in-1 (JY-016)

Can you believe it? It's the first multicart in the J.Y. line to feature one Hummer game!

1995 Super HiK 4-in-1 (JY-017)

Almost the same, except Dragon Ball Z 2 replaces Mortal Kombat II. This one is slightly easier to find and seems to have been one of the most popular J.Y. It got three reprints; one in 1996, 1997 and 1998!

Super Mortal Kombat III 18-in-1 Series (JY-062)

A fairly unusual one from J.Y., it's got an high game count and it's from 1996. Sadly, more games goes with the fact that those are mostly NROM titles. It still includes Mortal Kombat III Turbo… which is kind of a miss because by 1996, Mortal Kombat II Special had been released. A different solder pad configuration allows the menu to change to a 80000000-in-1 (JY-067) version. Modifying 0100 to various values also enable two otherwise-hidden menus.

Super Aladdin III 18-in-1 Series (JY-064)

Made with the same philosophy as JY-062, except it features Aladdin… and BB Car with an updated copyright line, explicitely reading in latin alphabet "Xinwei Huang". Weird.
A different solder pad configuration changes the menu to a 54-in-1, which is JY-065.

1996 Super HiK 3-in-1 (JY-070)

A typical J.Y. multicart. One Hummer game that goes along some late offocial games.

Rockman 7-in-1 (JY-208)

Now that's a weird one. It's first entry is Rocman X and that's actually fairly interesting! You don't see the later Sachen titles often on multicarts. Now you would assume the rest is the hexalogy? Well no, the second one is Rockboard and Rockman 5 is the Darkwing Duck hack. Oops. Rockman 2 ends up being the one missing (with the true Rockman 5). Those two likely ended up missing because of some ROM size constraint.

動動腦 II: 國中英文(一) (Dòngdòngnǎo II: Guózhōng Yīngwén (I), Middle School English)

As I said in the title, the cherry on the cake (?) is this Sachen title. The current dumps appears to be a mapper hack. So consider using that one rather?

->Download the ROMs<-

The latest version of NintendulatorNRS and the associated source can be downloaded on its dedicated page in the blog link list.

Credits to krzysiobal and NewRisingSun.

Multicart september 
Monday, September 10, 2018, 04:14 - Dumps
Posted by MLX
Today we have a wide selection of multicarts from the 90s, the oldest being from 1992 and the latest from 1998. Most of them are from J.Y. by the way.

Super Mario Family (Alt: 92' Super Mario Family)

This cartridge is a follow-up to the Super Mario Party 6-in-1 compilation. It adds notably Mario IV, Bio Miracle (as Baby Mario), Doctor Mario, Mickey Mouse and… Dynamite Bowl ??
Unfortunately, Super Mario Bros. 2 (Japan) is not complete and will hang-up after completing 4-4.

Super Boy Top 5-in-1 特輯

It appears to have been released sometime in 1994. There's no indication on who may have published it. It's branded "Super Boy" and the cover design is kind of unique, as is the selection of games (one doesn't find Bio Miracle and Kaiser's Super Mario Bros. 2 port often on a multicart).

Super Boy 6-in-1

From the same publisher as the 5-in-1 above. This cartridge is mostly the same, except that Rockman 6 7 and SMB2j have been replaced by two Datach games and Contra.

JY Ball Series 18-in-1 (JY-010)

The updated version of the extremely popular Ball Series 11-in-1 which J.Y. originally released all the way back in 1990!

1997 Super Game 7-in-1 (JY-016)

The 1997 instance of JY-016 is different from the 1995 and 1996 counterparts. It removes Guevara, adds Goal II and variants of Street Fighter III and Mortal Kombat II.

1996 Super HiK 4-in-1 (JY-052)

The first multicart by J.Y. to features Aladdin.

1996 Super HiK 4-in-1 (JY-053)

Direct follow-up, with a background reading repeatedly Jaleco (why?).

1996 Super HiK 4-in-1 (JY-054)

Master Fighter II is in there, oddly.

1996 Super HiK 4-in-1 (JY-055)

Another unique selection of games rarely seen on multicarts.

1996 Power Rangers HiK 4-in-1 (JY-066)

A Power Rangers selection with Madmax, it features the Hummer port.

1996 Super HiK 3-in-1 (JY-068)

Popeye 2 starts in the cave rather than Agrabah Market.

1996 Super HiK 4-in-1 (JY-069)

This one features Aladdin with the button swap!

1996 Super HiK 3-in-1 (JY-071)

Kureyon Shin II is the Bio Miracle hack.

1996 Super HiK 3-in-1 (JY-079)

Hummer themed multicart completed with Galaxian.

Final Fight 3 Super 25-in-1 (SC-128)

One of the last J.Y. multicart from the original line! It features Final Fight 3. There's also TXC's Chinese Chess with copyrights untouched!

➡Download the ROMs⬅

The latest version of NintendulatorNRS and the associated source can be downloaded on its dedicated page in the blog link list.

Credits to NewRisingSun.

Korean Multicart 
Saturday, September 1, 2018, 11:55 - Dumps
Posted by famiac
Here's a funky lil Korean multicart with pokemon hacks on it, the most interesting of which is a hack of magical kids doropie that replaces the main character's sprite with a suicune.


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Credits to NewRisingSun.

Three more down 
Tuesday, August 28, 2018, 13:12 - Dumps
Posted by MLX
Today we've got a meet-up of ROMs from three vastly different Taiwanese companies. Kaiser, Bit Corp., and... an unamed one that may, or may not, have been J.Y. Company.

If we choose the chronological order, Kaiser takes the lead:
Yume Koujou - Doki Doki Panic

Unlike the readily available FDS port which likely originates from Whirlwind Manu, Kaiser's retains the last cutscene as well as the staff roll.
On top of that, Kaiser's give you the ability to start from any level, as if one had beaten the FDS release with all the characters.
Note: one must press start for about one second to pass the title screen.

Next up is BIT Corp. with their most popular 4-in-1 multicart:
4-in-1 (4602)

Mr. Mary 2 had been extracted and made available as a ROM for years. But let's be honest, it's just not as good without the rest of the games that came on that particular cartridge. So here we are. The cartridges use physical switches to select the game. A dialog box will present you the choices.

And lastly, the one from an unknown publisher:
Super Fighter III

This is the original release of the game. The available dumps on the net are mapper hacks which will fail to pass the included tests left by the developers.

->Download the ROMs<-

The latest version of NintendulatorNRS and the associated source can be downloaded on its dedicated page in the blog link list.

Credits to krzysiobal, NewRisingSun.

First singleton 
Saturday, April 14, 2018, 17:14 - Dumps
Posted by MLX
Here's one more dump which I was supposed to include in the previous wave. It's a 5-in-1 (and alternatively a 20-in-1) made by the same developer(s) as Super Fighter III. It contains their four lightgun titles with the addition of Elfland. This cartridge predates the more known one featuring those lightgun games and so seems to be the first release of those games.

5-in-1 1993 Copyright

The two menus can be selected with DIP switches. The 20-in-1 menu adds repeats

->Download the ROM<-

The current version of NintendulatorNRS will run this ROM. Refer to this post to obtain it.

Credits to NewRisingSun.

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