Multicarts prelude 
Sunday, February 11, 2018, 15:12 - Dumps
Posted by MLX
Four new dumps today, three J.Y. multicarts and one TXC Micro Genius multicart.
Some J.Y. X-in-1 were poorly manufactured and produced in low quantities, so it's worth trying to preserve them.

1996 Soccer 7-in-1 (JY-014B)

An updated version of 1995 Soccer 6-in-1 (JY-014) which adds a seven entry to the list. A repeat on top of that. Two revisions exist, one retains a Tecmo copyright while the later removes it. They can be differantiated from the cover. The early one having a gold border and the later lacking it.

1997 Super HIK 4-in-1 (JY-099)

A nice 4-in-1 featuring games rarely seen on multicarts. Beware of the typos on the selection screen.

1997 Super 9-in-1 (JY-109)

Another updated version of one of their older multicart known as 1994 Super 8-in-1. The added entry being again a repeat.

2-in-1 Uzi Lightgun

This cartridge was apparently often bundled with the Micro Genius lightguns. It was eventually replaced by Strike Wolf as it wasn't infriging copyrights.
To use the Bandai Hyper Shot for Space Shadow, one has to setup a third controller in the Nintendulator Input menu then needs to use that third controller's Select and Start. Up to walk ahead and B to throw a grenade. This cartridge was dumped by CaH4e3.

       ->Download the ROMs<-

The latest version of NintendulatorNRS and the associated source can be downloaded on its dedicated page in the blog link list.

All credits to CaH4e3 and NewRisingSun.

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